How to deal with COVID by Focusing
The mission of the Hong Kong Focusing Institute Company Limited (HKFI) is to connect and attract like-minded people; to bring diverse strands of Focusing into the Hong Kong community; to facilitate research studies; to promote Focusing and related applications; and to enrich Focusing practice in Hong Kong. Our goal is to make Focusing accessible to all local people, rich or poor, as long as they see a need for Focusing and want to learn Focusing.
The Hong Kong Focusing Institute will achieve the following objectives by observing our fundamental principles:
1. Promote information exchange with the aim of enhancing public awareness of Focusing.
2. Conduct necessary studies, surveys and pilot experiments to develop Focusing related applications.
3. Participate in international Focusing activities / conferences and other relevant organizations.
4. Promote friendly relations among members of the Institute.
Professor Akira Ikemi from Japan
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contact us
Mailing address:
Mong Kok Post Office PO Box 78559
Website: www.focusing.hk
Email: focusinghongkong@gmail.com